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Bike sharing station (By zaccastravels on
Bike sharing station (By zaccastravels on

Road transport causes close to 73% of the globally emitted greenhouse gases and therefore is by far the most polluting transport mode (EEA, 2014). Therefore, it is no surprise that it is the most energy demanding transport mode possible. When we look at our transportation habits, this probably explains a lot. Many people own cars and use it for even the smallest movements: for doing groceries, bringing the kids to school, to get to work… And they can’t always be blamed for that. Owning a car is not a crime, but people should be educated to use it in a smarter way. We need to learn to “use the right mix” (European Commission, 2012). 

There are improvements we can easily implement ourselves, such as walking or biking instead of using a car, making more use of public transport and purchasing cars that pollute as little as possible. But it is also the task of cities and communities to help citizens to reduce their impact by their means of transport: they can make transportation systems more efficient, use more low-emission energy and eventually move towards zero-emission vehicles (European Commission, 2016). Reducing transport emissions is not just for big companies and the government, we should all work together to do so.

Action Areas

  • Sustainable transportation and logistics
  • Sustainable and inclusive infrastructure
  • Community participation

Learning Objectives

Cognitive learning objectives:

  • The learner understands basic physical, social and psychological human needs and is able to identify how these needs are currently addressed in their own physical urban, peri-urban and rural settlements
  • The learner understands the role of local decision-makers and participatory governance and the importance of representing a sustainable voice in planning and policy for their area.

Socio-emotional learning objectives:

  • The learner is able to use their voice, to identify and use entry points for the public in the local planning systems, to call for the investment in sustainable infrastructure, buildings and parks in their area and to debate the merits of long-term planning.
  • The learner is able to contextualise their needs within the needs of the greater surrounding ecosystems, both locally and globally, for more sustainable human settlements.
  • The learner is able to feel responsible for the environmental and social impacts of their own individual lifestyle.

Behavioural learning objectives:

  • The learner is able to co-create an inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable community.
  • The learner is able to promote low carbon approaches at the local level.


  • Strategic competency
  • Self-awareness competency
  • Anticipatory competency
  • Collaboration competency


Step 1) Introduction (15 minutes)

In class, whole group :

Public transportation is important! Project this video in class to show the students why it is important to have access to public transport services: 

As a way of introducing reflection on personal (non) public transportation habits, show the students the following video regarding transportation:

Ask some questions to reflect during a class conversation:

  • How do you come to school? Do you think this has a large impact on the environment? Do you use this mode of transport because it is the easiest/quickest/cheapest? Which alternatives do you have?
  • Do you think you use the “right mix”? Which (small) changes could you make to do so?
  • Are there certain elements that keep you from using more sustainable transport modes?

Step 2) Business case: introduction.(20 minutes)

  • Divide the students in groups. Depending on the size of the class group, divide them in groups of minimum 2, maximum 5 people. Each group should have at least 1 laptop with internet access. 
  • Share the presentation of the business case with the students. (Please do not forget to fill in the city and country where the factory is located. See “Notes for Educators” for more information.)
  • Give the students 10 minutes to analyze the business case and ask questions if necessary. 
  • Explain the goal of the business case: students need to use their creativity to propose different possible solutions for the problems the company is struggling with. It is of course recommendable to look on the internet for suitable and sustainable solutions for the case.

Step 3) Working on the business case.(60 minutes)

  • Give the students time (30-40 minutes) to find solutions for the business case.
  • After having collected different solutions, the students will prepare a short presentation. Provide 30-20 minutes to make the presentation, in class or, if you and the students prefer to do so, at home.

Step 4) Pitch the solutions.(5 minutes per group)

As a last step, every group will pitch their ideas, using the presentation they just made. Allow the other students to ask questions if they want to.


60 minutes per group, continue in groups from the previous step

In the previous steps, the students worked on solutions for a business case in which the existing issues clearly were addressed. Now it is time to expand the competencies: in this call to action, students should detect themselves the issues in a new case, using their critical thinking competence.  

In this call to action the students will have to analyze the transportation strategy of their own educational institution. This will result in a small scale social media campaign that will be shared on the online platform the school uses.

The following instructions can be given as homework:

  • In the same groups as the previous exercise, apply the same creative thinking to your own school. Questions that can help the students are:
    • How do you come to school?
    • How do your classmates come to school?
    • Does the school encourage students to use public transport and/or zero emissions means of transport?
    • Are there a lot of students and/or educational staff who come to school by car? 
    • How many bikes could be stored in the parking lot of the school?

The task is to prepare a very short online campaign that the students can share on the school's online platform. This means that each group is expected to create 1 sentence that contains information to make people rethink the transport they use to come to school. Prepare a shared document (spreadsheet) in which each group will write their sentence. (It is important to make it a shared document, so the groups don’t write the same contribution.)

The 1st tab contains the ideas of the students, the 2nd tab contains ideas for the title of it, written by the students. This document can be used to collect the ideas: 

Share the input of the students in 1 document, and select the best title. Ask the IT department of the school to share it on the central page of the online school platform.


60 minutes per group, in same groups as the groups for the business case

Under the slogan “celebrate small successes”, the students can encourage people who are already “doing the right mix” to continue what they are doing. How? The students will use their creativity to find a way to thank the people who come to school by bike, on foot or using public transport. 

  • Divide the students in the groups of the business case.
  • Let them think of small-scaled campaigns to thank people who use a sustainable form of transportation to come to school.
    • Some tips: design a poster with a clear message to thank them, but also to encourage others why it is important to use sustainable means of transport/ create and hand out sustainable gifts with a small “thank you” message and thank them personally when handing out the gift
  • Timing: it is recommendable to do this action when people arrive to school: e.g. when installing their bikes at the bike station of the school, hanging the posters near the bus and/or train stations in the neighbourhood...



  • Computer with internet connection
  • Video projector
  • Presentation “Business case SDG 11"
  • Laptop for each group (of 2 - 5 people)


Notes for Educators

Estimated total duration: 2 hours + Call to Action

  • Important remark: in the business case presentation on slide 2, you have to fill in a region and country on the “X”es. This is left open in order to allow the educator to make the business case 'real life' for the students. Please do not forget to fill this in before showing the presentation in class.
  • Step 3: Lack of time to give the task of preparing a presentation in class? This is a part of the activity that, if necessary, the students can do at home.