Accessibility Tools

Stairway to SDG is a project focused on sustainable practices and behaviours. It is inspired by the ecological footprint idea of measuring human demand on natural capital. In this project, we want to “measure” behaviours regarding the different Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This is connected with the moral principle that everyone is responsible for their own actions and of the changes that we would like to see in the future

For this purpose, we have defined three Action Areas for each SDG. To do this we identified important behaviours regarding each SDG. Using a general 4 point Likert scale model for answers, we will calculate a specific indicator of each Action Area through three measurable questions.

The three indicators of the three Action Areas will give us a general index of sustainable behaviour of a person regarding a specific SDG.

If a person is doing a test for all the 17 SDGs they will receive a general picture, countable index, of their real engagement with the new Agenda and the 17 SDGs. The presence of the feedback, specific contents and a support platform aim to show a way to improve their behaviours for a sustainable change.